Drumstick – One of the Best Green and Healthy Vegetables

About Drumsticks

Drumstick is scientifically known as Moringa oleifera Lam. It belongs to the Moringaceae family. It is a small, fast-growing plant that grows in tropical regions. It is found in the Himalayan region of India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Drumstick is also known as horseradish plant or drumstick plant (in English), Subhanjana (in Sanskrit), Haritashaaka or Akshiva (in Ayurveda) and Sainjna or Saguna.

Each part of the wood can contain substances that are important for human health; therefore, it can be one of the most important vegetables. For many years, the pestle has been used as a traditional medicine. According to Ayurvedic medicine, herbs can be used and are useful for various diseases due to their high nutritional value, water retention and cleansing power.

The climate and soil required to grow

Moringa olerifera grows in habitats ranging from drylands to subtropical forests to dry forests to tropical rainforests. Moringa tolerates annual rainfall of 760-2250 mm, annual temperature is 18.7°-28.5°C, but can be grown up to 48°C for a short time. The plant was originally considered suitable for cultivation at altitudes below 600 m.

The growth of the tree is limited if it grows above the altitude of 1600 m, however, the adaptation of the tree was shown at an altitude of 1200 m in Mexico and above 2000 m in Zimbabwe. M. stenopetala in Ethiopia can be found regularly up to 1800 m. The optimum temperature for fruiting is 20-30°C, however maximum fruiting (94%) has been reported at 25°C. In tropical regions, drumstick can tolerate light frosts, while it is able to recover from frost. Moringa olerifera can grow well in any type of soil except heavy clay soil, but it works best on dry sand or sandy loam with a pH between 4.5 and 8.0. It can also tolerate clay soil, but not waterlogged conditions.

Withholding water from the field for even one day can kill the plant. Valia et al. (1993, 1995) reported that M . Oleifera plants can survive up to 41% ESP. A high percentage of volatile sodium (ESP-60) can cause blistering symptoms 120 days after planting and the plant dies after 240 days.

Pestle time to sow

Perennial types of drumsticks are propagated by cuttings when the pods are removed from March to June, although annual varieties work best in the northern Indian landscape when the seeds are propagated. from June to August.

The Benefits of the Drumsticks

Controls blood sugar levels

Smoking helps regulate blood sugar, making it beneficial for people with diabetes. They stimulate the activity of the gallbladder which, in turn, helps to maintain the level of blood sugar in the body. So, if you have high blood sugar, you must include sugar in your diet.

Increasing resistance

Sweating works as a preventative measure and helps control body temperature in case of fever. Therefore, whenever the weather starts to change, you should add sticks to your diet.

Helps prevent respiratory infections

Drumstick contains anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent respiratory infections. Also, vitamin C prevents the growth of allergies in the respiratory tract.

Promotes good vision

Drumsticks contain antioxidants that help treat dry eyes and cataracts. In addition, they avoid the heaviness of the capillary membrane, which makes them pleasant for the eyes.

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